NO. 13 OCTOBER 26, 1976


This time, let's take a look at people who write about Indians and especially at what they write. They are all the time studying the Indians. They never study themselves, just Indians. They are quite satisfied with themselves, their race and their nations. They feel they need no special study about themselves. They can do not wrong. Well, if they do wrong, it's not really wrong. There's always a good reason when the white man does wrong. It's to do the Indians good. Only a great superior mind understands how a man does good when he does wrong. Indians, regarded as savages, cannot understand that when they are attacked, it's for their own good and a special benefit. It's only when the Indians fight back that it's wrong. This is white man's logic and he will tell you it's superior. For example, it's logical and reasonable to steal the Red Man's land. It is not logical nor reasonable for Indians to fight and defend their lands. Confusing? Not at all. It's as clear as glass.

There's a book out in the stalls and it's called "The Iroquois In The American Revolution" by Barbara Graymont. On the back cover a reviewer comments of the author: "She has also given us a portrait of the great aboriginal society which was all but decimated by General John Sullivan". According to the dictionary, "decimate" means "to destroy or kill a large part of (Lit., a tenth part of)." Since General Sullivan, with nine thousand men, killed 33 Indians, he then was fighting a total population of 330 people, having killed a tenth part of. They even passed up an old Seneca woman. She scared hell out of them.

According to the reviewer, Barbara researched in archaeology, anthropology and history (ye goode olde twisted history). Let's have a look at these sources:

Archaeology. Science of dusting the bones of other people's ancestors to prove they were inferior. The order is to find native skulls smaller than those of one's employer. This shows smaller brains. Clearly a proof of intellectual inferiority. This is the reason thick headed white men have to be shown how to survive in a natural environment by smaller headed natives. The theories of archaeology is subject to changes according to new findings. Archaeological truths change with time. What is "true" today may become untrue tomorrow. A very unsure way of researching truth.

Anthropology The practitioner works from data and reports usually false. Most discredited of all sciences. Anthros ask Indians questions and then make their papers from old and slanted reports.

Twhistory (twisted history). Old accounts obtained from biased olde tyme scribes who had to aggrandize their land grab and justify the slaughter of natives by attributing the most horrible and revolting characteristics to their victims.

Miss Graymont went crashing into this swamp of morass and quagmire. Came up smelling like a rose - for her book is widely acclaimed. Some of the words put in the mouths of Indians by history received a kinder treatment in the book for which we most gratefully thank Barbara. There are other areas treated with understanding showing the friendly nature of the authoress.

Twisted history points with pride that a white man became or claimed that he was elected a sachem by the Oneidas and that a white woman became an Onondaga Chief. According to the Constitution of the Iroquois called Gayanerekowa, or the Law of the Great Peace, it would be impossible for the white man or woman, or for even Indians, to be elected to such a position if they are not members of a clan, i.e., born that way. No woman can be a Clan Mother if she is not a member of a clan. Only men may be Chiefs and they have to have a Clan. Adopted Indians are not given Clans but are given protection in the Bear Clan, as in the case of the Mohawk Nation.

Indians are disgusted by the way Twisted history and anthropology put words in the mouths of Indians. They have great warriors using such words as "father" in addressing white men. At one of the treaty making, the Indians were unyielding in their insistence that the word "father" be substituted by "brothers". Another objection is the Iroquois "placing themselves and their country under the protection of the British" and later, "the protection of the United States." These words were put in treaties by the Europeans whenever they made treaties with native Americans in an attempt to discredit the Indian nations and to reduce them to the status of being subject to their the British or the United States. That the Iroquois protected the British colonies is a true historical fact. That neither the British nor the United States ever protected the Iroquois is another historical fact. In the book, Barbara points out that the United States commissioners making the treaty at Fort Stanwix refused to let the Indians read the written words. Told the Indians to put their own words in the wampums.

After consulting twhistory, the good lady had Joseph Brant "taking up the hatchet" as "Chief" (which he was not) for the Mohawks and that other "Chiefs" of the Six Nations had likewise done the ceremony. That was how the Six Nations had supposedly declared war on the new United States of America. A war to be declared legally by the Six Nations Confederacy has to be done in a Grand Council in Onondaga with all Chiefs concurring and all the people A Sachem or sub-Chief can participate in a war but must depose himself while engaged in combat and after the war is over, if alive and in possession of all his faculties, he will be reinstated as Royaner (Chief). During the war, he is subject to orders from the Asahragowa or War Chief, elected to that capacity in a regular council.

Joseph Brant was neither Sachem, sub-chief nor war chief. He was an alienated, expatriated Mohawk. He had renounced his citizenship in the Mohawk nation and the Six Nations Confederacy when he became a citizen of the British nation, swearing the oath of allegiance to England as an officer of the British army. The Six Nations Indians who "took up the hatchet" did it as mercenaries as no declaration of war was made in the Grand Council at Onondaga. In 1976, the newspapers reported United States mercenaries in Angola. It does not mean that the United States had declared war on Angola.

Regarding the over rated and exaggerated Sullivan raid. It was just that. A hit and run raid. Timed with the Seneca men were away, being hired to fight for the British "cause". General Sullivan reported destroying certain Seneca towns when he never even went near those places. It was an 18 day foray against small villages of old men, women and children. Much is made of the 5,000 Indian people who went to Niagara for "shelter". They were all home by the following year. Five thousand people did not comprise the Seneca population.

The Seneca warriors fighting for the British returned to their villages and rebuilt them. It does not speak very much for the Sullivan raid when it took the Indians only a season to rebuilt all the homes burned by the Sullivan raiders. Having rebuilt their villages, the Senecas went on a rampage of their own. Staring in 1780, they cleaned out three huge areas, including Ohio, devastating several times more areas than did Sullivan's army and were approaching the middle colonies when the Revolutionary War ended. Fledgling United Stations Nation, war weary and financially exhausted, had no spirit to continue the conflict. It was they who asked for a Treaty of Peace with the Six Nations.

Again, in 1794, the United States asked the Six Nations Confederacy for another Treaty of Peace. Reason? Tecumseh! He was gathering a huge Indian army in the West and it was to circumvent a union of the Western Indian forces with the Six Nations Confederacy that President George Washington sent his commissioners to make the 1794 Canadaigua Treaty. This treaty confirms the land holdings of the Six Nations Confederacy. Their national sovereignty and independence. As the word "protection" and other self-aggrandizements again appear in the wording, we assume that again the commissioners must have refused to show the Indians their writing, especially since Red Jacket was present.

The Six Nations Confederacy were never conquered. Wars and armies did not reduce the Iroquois power. That came with politics and sad to say, religion.