NO. 23 FEBRUARY, 1987


A self praising racial chauvinist by the name of Senator Thomas H. Benton, United States Senate, concocted the idea that God commanded the white race to invade and take possession of all lands not owned by the white race. After a few words of self worship and patting himself on the back, Senator Benton submitted his famous and immortal thesis, excerpts of which are hereby presented:

"I know of no human event, past or to come, which promises a greater and more beneficent change upon earth than the arrival of the van of the Caucasian race ... The Yellow race once the foremost of the human family in the arts of civilization, but torpid and stationary for thousands of years, far above the blacks, the Malay and above the American Indian but still far below the white and like all the rest must receive an impression from the superior whenever they come i contact. It would seem that the white race alone received the divine command to subdue and replenish the earth! For it is the only race that has obeyed it ... the only one that hunts out new and distant lands and even a New World to subdue and replenish.... They arrived after many ages on the shores of the Atlantic which they lit up with light of science and religion and adorned with the useful and elegant arts. Three and a half centuries ago, this race, in obedience to the great command, arrived in the New World, and found new lands to subdue and replenish ... The Red race has disappeared from the Atlantic coast; the tribes that resisted civilization met extinction. This is a cause of lamentation with many. For my part, I cannot murmur at what seems to be the effect of divine law ... this Christian people replaced the savages..."

No doubt this is how it may have seemed to Senator Benton and his followers who believe in "Manifest Destiny" and believe that the advent of the Caucasians in America was a blessing and a great joy for the native inhabitants, who saw howling hordes of Christian killers, looters, plunderers and pillagers crossing the Atlantic to create a hell on Indian land. Since Senator Benton seems to be representing the white race in this matter, let's call him Sir Caucasian. He says that God commanded man - not a particular nor specific man - to subdue and replenish. Since God did not ever talk to anyone nor was ever seen by anyone then how was this command communicated to man? In the Bible's Ten Commandments which is called God's Commandments, it says "Thou shalt not kill" and "Thou shalt not steal", etc., etc. How can man subdue without killing and stealing? God to give such a command as Sir Caucasian's divine command would be contradicting himself. Sir Caucasian says only the white race obeyed the command. If God's commandments is in the Bible's Ten Commandments, then Sir Caucasian's divine command to subdue and replenish comes from another God, not the God of the Ten Commandments. What would his name be - Greed? We've been told that God didn't write the Bible but only told the writers what to write through inspiration. that's why it's called the Word of God. In brief, what they are telling us is that they put the words in God's mouth. Indeed, sir Caucasian puts the words in God's mouth when he says that God commanded the white man to kill the Indians and take over their land and all their possessions, which is what "subdue" means.

Replenish the land? To this day, the Manifest Destinians are engaged in destroying the earth. They have turned our beloved Indian rivers into sewers, our air into poisonous gases, our precious land into cess pools of poisonous chemicals. Yes, they lit up our land with the light of scientific pollution. The replenished our land alright with scientific corruptions and deadly vapors. They have also polluted our minds with crooked and self destroying philosophies. For four hundred years the Manifest Destinians have waged a ruthless psychological warfare on the Indian race in America. It's as deadly as the one with guns. The casualties are the drunks, dope addicts, suicides and confused people dazed by identity conflicts. Under this kind of attack, the Indians get inferiority complex and get thinking the white man is what he says he is, the greatest. The Indians even get to believe the what man's unprovable beliefs such as hell, devils, etc. Yes, the Church had a white man arrested for asking if there was any proof that the devil and hell exist, during a sermon in Church. You see, they even replenish the minds of their own people with unprovables. There's a $500 fine for disturbing Sir Caucasian in the performance of the Mass, but it became possible to force the clergy to answer the question. They say they can't prove the existence of hell and the devil but we must believe whether we believe it or. It seems unreasonable to accept anything as being true if it cannot be proven to be so. The court room demands proof. It should be the same outside of the court room.

"The moral and intellectual superiority of the white race will do the rest..." So, said Sir Caucasian! A recent book, "THE ICEMAN INHERITANCE" has a different concept of intellectual capacity among the races of the world - in cubic centimeters (CC) - Negro average cranial capacity of 1,350 CC, Caucasoid (white man) 1,400 CC, Mongoloid 1,570 CC.Amahosa "tribe" of Africa 1,490 CC, (well above white man), Buriats 1,496 CC, Iroquois 1,519 CC, Inuits 1,563 CC. Inuits heap smart. We Salute! O Man of the North. They're likely holding us Iroquois down so we don't get swelled headed. We owe thanks for the above figures to the book THE ICEMAN INHERITANCE page 44, by Michael Bradley.

What was that wise crack about "great light lit by Sir Caucasian's religion? The light is so bright it dazzled the Caucasians in general so they can't follow the Christian teachings anymore than the clergy. Sir Caucasian neglected to read his own history especially about the Crusades of the Dark Age (called it the Middle Ages so it won't seem so awful). The Island of Malta was the first to be hit for daring to defy the authority of Sir Caucasian's great religion. Wanted to operate their own brand of Christianity. The order to the Crusaders was "wipe them out!" That was the end of them. Their slayers became the Knights of Malta and decorated with a medal known as the Maltese Cross. The Saracens were hit next. They tried to negotiate. Asked the cruel Crusaders "Why are you killing us?" The answer came from the Duke of Bourbon's tent - 1096 A.D. "Because the Sonne of God, called Jesu their lyne and generacyon, was put to deth and cruccifyed, and also because the Saracens did not believe in baptism nor in the Vergyn Mary, Mother to Jesu Chryst."

"At this answere, the Saracens dyd nothinge but laugh and sayd that answere was nothinge reasonable, for it was the Jews that put Chryst to dethe and not they. Thus the siege still endured!" High class English used at that time. In two hundred years, the Crusaders scored an estimated total of over 300 million dead Saracen infidels, men, women and children. Not even the very old or babies were spared. Then followed six hundred years of terror for Christians. They were persecuted by their own Masters! ... for heresy and witchcraft. It's alright boys and girls, the holy elect no longer believes in witchcraft. The darkest period of European history saw over 50 million unfaithful faithful burned to death at the stake by the Dominican Order. It was called the "Inquisition". Manifest Destiny.

If the "enlightened" Christians can treat their own people in this manner, how can the Indians expect to be treated better? We are told that in colonial times, the jails in Europe were emptied of the prisoners who were transported to America and turned loose on the Indians. Now, the nations of the world are complaining that the United States is an outlaw nation and a threat to all the rest of the world. If the nation began with jailbirds how can the rest of the world expect it to be a law abiding union. In turn, the United States says it's the savior of the world from communism and it's also the world's food basket. Got so much grain they have to dump it in the Pacific Ocean. The world's richest country they say. They also have untold multitudes of people living in the streets and starving to death. Instead of dumping the grain in the ocean ocean why don't they dump it in the streets and let the street people make their own bread and show that man can live by bread alone. Many of the white people in the richest country in the world are even in worse shape than the Indians. The manifest destiny for these multitudes is death by starvation and disease on the streets of America, food basket of the world.

Manifest Destiny has more than a few directions. The enthusiasts look not to the right nor to the left. One half forgotten item is people. Normal and offbeat. There's a movement on in the "superior" world where men are made into nonmen and women into nonwomen. You see, white man can do anything. Part of Manifest Destiny is to make new creatures called "Gay". The word used to be a nice word. A gay person used to be a cheerful happy person. Now, a new gay person has been created. Man no longer loves woman. He now loves another man. Woman now hates man. Loves other woman. Fifty years ago, there weren't many of these new creatures, the vanguard of the flood to come. They were then called "queers". They tell us how dinosaurs, the biggest creatures that ever ruled the world for 75 million years, became extinct. Nothing great nor comparable to dinosaurs are the queers. They have one thing in common. They, as creatures stopped reproducing their own kind. Men seducing other men do not get babies. Neither do women seducing other women. The advent of queers in such tremendous numbers may presage the end of the human species. Can't blame nature. Man hasn't been very natural. If the nuclear bombers fail to destroy mankind, the queers may finish the job. That may be the real Manifest Destiny.